普通會員: 凡具有城市規劃類之學士學位或以上之學位(或具備同等資格),並具有兩年從事城 市規劃工作經驗(對於修讀學士以上學位課程之時間可等同於從事城市規劃工作經驗時 間)或大專畢業生從事城市規劃工作五年或以上者,且持有澳門永久居民身份人士,均 可提出書面的申請,經兩位會員介紹和理事會審核及通過。

Regular Member: Any Macau permanent resident who possesses a Bachelor or above degree in urban planning or with equivalent qualification and two (2) years of urban planning work experience or a college degree in urban planning with five (5) years of urban planning work experience is eligible for a Regular Member membership. She/he must be recommended by two (2) MUPI existing members and membership eligibility shall be reviewed and approved by Board of Directors.

學生會員: 凡年滿十六歲或以上,持有澳門居留權,正修讀城市規劃類之學士學位或以上之學位 課程(於本地或外地大專院校),在已完成首年課程,並繼續修讀餘下課程的人士, 均可提出書面的申請(申請時須附上首年課程之學業成績單),經兩位會員介紹和理事 會審核及通過。

Student Member: Any Macau resident who is or above the age of sixteen (16) and has completed the first year of Bachelor’s degree or above in urban planning (domestic or international) is eligible for a Student Member membership (proofs of completed urban planning courses of the first year must be provided along with this application form). She/he must be recommended by two (2) MUPI existing members and membership eligibility shall be reviewed and approved by Board of Directors.

準會員: 學生會員在完成城市規劃類之學士學位課程,須向本會提交學位證書副本,經理事會 審核及通過,便可成為準會員。

Prospective Member: Student member who has completed a Bachelor’s degree or above in urban planning is eligible to convert membership to Regular membership. Member must provide a copy of certification along with this application form and the Board of Directors must review and approve his/her application before a Regular Membership is granted.

會費:新會員入會費為澳門幣 500 元,年費為每年澳門幣 500 元,年費請於每年度第一季繳付。Fee: New member application fee is MOP500 and the annual membership fee is MOP500. Please pay the membership fee in the first quarter of the year.