澳門城市規劃學會將於10/6於網上Zoom舉辦"保護傳承絲綢之路文化遺產的國際合作"持續進修活動(CPD), 由聯合國教科文組織曼谷辧事處文化部門主任景峰博士主講。詳情見以上宣傳。本CPD已獲建築、工程及城市規劃專業委員會批准作2小時城市規劃學CPD(186/FC/2023)。報名請按此

The Macao Urban Planning Institute (MUPI) will hold a CPD course (186/FC/2023) “International Cooperation for the Safeguarding of Cultural Heritage along the Silk Roads” on 10 June 2023 (Saturday) from 10:30am to 12:30pm. The course will be conducted in English, only available online via Zoom. We have invited Dr. Feng JING, Chief of Culture Unit, UNESCO Bangkok Office as our guest speaker. You can find more information in the attached poster. Please clink here for registration. 



International Cooperation for the Safeguarding of Cultural Heritage along the Silk Roads

Dr. Feng JING, Chief of Culture Unit, UNESCO Bangkok Office

In 2023, UNESCO celebrates the 35th Anniversary of the Silk Roads programme which was launched in 1988. For the past 35 years, UNESCO has been celebrating and promoting the common heritage along the Silk Roads.

This lecture aims to tell you the story of international cooperation for the safeguarding of cultural heritage along the Silk Roads.

The Silk Roads is an exceptional example of a cultural route that covers many elements of cultural heritage, both tangible and intangible. In June 2014, the first World Heritage property of the Silk Roads: Routes Network of Chang’an-Tianshan Corridor was inscribed on the World Heritage List. The inscription of this unique property bears testimony to over two millennia of human history and required an innovative approach and a new transboundary cooperation mechanism and methodology. To this day, the international cooperation along the Silk Roads remains a best practice example for the World Heritage Committee when it comes to serial transnational World Heritage nominations.

A symbol of this international cultural project was the inscription of the Silk Roads: Routes Network of Chang’an-Tianshan Corridor on UNESCO’s World Heritage List on 22 June 2014. It crowned years of scientific research efforts by countries in Central Asia and China, as well as the exchanges and international cooperation required to acknowledge, together, the Outstanding Universal Value of this shared millennial legacy.

The Silk Roads heritage route has a long history, a broad geography and presents a complex typology of heritage sites, rich in cultural diversity. It covers almost all the elements and attributes of cultural heritage and different forms of cultural expressions, and this diversity fostered international and regional cooperation, providing impetus to inter-cultural dialogue and sustainable community development. The lecture tells the story of the contemporary intercultural project of the serial transnational World Heritage nomination of the Silk Roads and its multi-dimensional significance.



景峰博士,聯合國官員,現任聯合國教科文組織曼谷辦事處文化部門主任。此前25年他在UNESCO 巴黎總部世界遺產中心工作,長期擔任亞洲和太平洋部主任,全面負責《世界遺產公約》在亞太地區47個國家和15個UNESCO辦事處的國際合作。他倡導的 “絲綢之路系列跨國申遺” 是一個創新的國際文化合作途徑,傳播了中華文化軟實力,助推了文明交流互鑒。30多年的職場經歷,使他既有世界文化和自然遺產保護和管理研究與探索的理論水平,又有在聯合國系統從事全球治理的實踐經驗。



Dr. Feng JING was educated in English literature, international studies and the history of architecture in China, at Lanzhou University and Tsinghua University, from which he also holds a Doctorate degree in the history and theory of architecture.

Dr JING is currently Chief of the Culture Unit of the UNESCO Bangkok Office. Prior to this function, he was Chief of the Asia and the Pacific Unit at the UNESCO World Heritage Centre (Paris), where he led and managed the overall implementation of the 1972 World Heritage Convention in over 47 Member States. He was a member of the senior management team of the UNESCO World Heritage Centre, managing a large, international professional team of staff members from different cultural backgrounds. He was also the coordinator of the Silk Roads World Heritage nomination project from 2003 to 2022. 

Dr JING has published and co-authored some 30 publications and over 70 articles on World Heritage, intercultural dialogue, cultural diversity, sustainable development and international cooperation via UNESCO. His Ph.D. dissertation, “Research on the Serial Transnational World Heritage Nomination of the Silk Roads Cultural Route”, was published in 2015 by China Science Press (Beijing) and reprinted in June 2019.